Hey all - I've been trying to send out store updates via emails over the last few months! However, I realized it doesn't go out to many folks, so figured I'd duplicate it here! (If you want to sign up for emails though - sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the gildedlionminiatures.com page!
Just wanted to thank you all for your continued support! The last few months have been fairly exciting, with me running my first convention booth, traveling to San Diego for Matteo's painting class, and then attending Reapercon - it was great to meet a few of you in person! Hopefully I can attend more conventions in the future! While at Reapercon, I was able to to talk to a few awesome folks from Avante Art - shoutout to Ellie! that were able to get me to be an approved Avante Art vendor! So in the next few weeks you should hopefully be seeing some Avante Art Kolinksy Sable brushes from our store. In addition, we were approved to also stock scale75 paints and potentially miniatures. I'd love to get your feedback - is there any scale75 product you'd like to see form us? Regardless, expect to see the kolinsky sable brushes in the upcoming months :)

From our last Kickstarter - I am finishing up the last of the Sirena miniatures to be sent out to customers! I have been fairly busy fulfilling orders while also prepping to move spaces at the end of this month - I'm hoping to move to a larger location to have a more dedicated office and miniatures space. With this move, hopefully you'll see me streaming on twitch occasionally at twitch.tv/gildedlionminis.
Finally, we have another upcoming kickstarter for the digital STL release of our Nahila miniatures. Let us know if you like this format - it's a fun way to give back to folks for some our lesser-sold miniatures to help fund the creation of more minis. As again, I do this mainly as a hobby and uh.. I might have broken even this year at bes (I've grown so much thanks to all your support however!) Anyways, check out our kickstarter here: